Monday, September 29, 2014

Woocommerce issue when products and categories has same base path

404 on Product detail page?

Ran into this issue where I needed a url structure such as/shop/<category> and /shop/<category>/<product>/.

/shop/<category>/ works fine but once you click a product you get a nice looking 404 page.

My settings:
Product category base - /shop
Product permalink base -> Custom Structure - /shop/%product_cat%

The Fix:

Set the ‘Product category base’ to shop and the custom product base to /shop/%product_cat%.
Then in your functions.php file add this little snippet:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Change User role after payment successful on WooCommerce

Add below action and function on function.php file of the current theme.

add_action('woocommerce_thankyou', 'change_user_role_on_order_success');

function change_user_role_on_order_success($order_id ) {
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
$user_id = $order->user_id;
$wp_user_object = new WP_User($user_id);
if($wp_user_object->roles[0] != "administrator"){ // Do not change admin role
wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $wp_user_object->ID, 'role' => "student" ) );

Change current user role to administrator.

Add below code to function.php file to change all user role to administrator.

//Change User role to any specific.
 $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
 $wp_user_object = new WP_User($current_user->ID);


Monday, February 24, 2014

Notify a User when his/her Role has Been Changed to Specific Role

Write below code in function.php file.

function user_role_update( $user_id, $new_role ) {
if ($new_role == 'editor') { 
 $site_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); 
 $user_info = get_userdata( $user_id ); 
 $to = $user_info->user_email; 
 $subject = "Congrats your Role changed to ".$new_role."";
 $message = "Hello " .$user_info->display_name . ", your role has changed on ".$site_url.", congratulations you are now an " . $new_role; 
 wp_mail($to, $subject, $message); 

add_action( 'set_user_role', 'user_role_update', 10, 2);

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Add New Line On Mailto Syntax

This link needed to include a subject, CC, BCC and body text.

As the code used for html emails is still quite basic, so that all possible email programs can read them well, and I did not want to risk using a javascript based obfuscator I had to use the mailto syntax when usually.

The MailTo command can do more than enter a single e-mail address in the “Send To” field while activating your e-mail program.

Address message to multiple recipients
, (comma separating e-mail addresses)

Add entry in the “Subject” field
subject=Subject Field Text

Add entry in the “Copy To” or “CC” field

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Create a SSL Certificate for Apple Push Notifications Service

To enable push notifications in your app, it needs to be signed with a provisioning profile that is configured for push. In addition, your server needs to sign its communications to APNS with an SSL certificate.
The provisioning profile and SSL certificate are closely tied together and are only valid for a single App ID. This is a protection that ensures only your server can send push notifications to instances of your app, and no one else.
As you know, apps use different provisioning profiles for development and distribution. There are also two types of push server certificates:
  • Development. If your app is running in Debug mode and is signed with the Development provisioning profile (Code Signing Identity is “iPhone Developer”), then your server must be using the Development certificate.
  • Production. Apps that are distributed as Ad Hoc or on the App Store (when Code Signing Identify is “iPhone Distribution”) must talk to a server that uses the Production certificate. If there is a mismatch between these, push notifications cannot be delivered to your app.
In this tutorial, you won’t bother with the distribution profiles and certificates and just use the ones for development.

Generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Remember how you had to go to the iOS Provisioning Portal and make a Development Certificate after you signed up for the iOS Developer Program? If so, then these next steps should be familiar. Still, I advise you to follow them exactly. Most of the problems people have with getting push notifications to work are due to problems with the certificates.
Digital certificates are based on public-private key cryptography. You don’t need to know anything about cryptography to use certificates, but you do need to be aware that a certificate always works in combination with a private key.
The certificate is the public part of this key pair. It is safe to give it to others, which is exactly what happens when you communicate over SSL. The private key, however, should be kept… private. It’s a secret. Your private key is nobody’s business but your own. It’s important to know that you can’t use the certificate if you don’t have the private key.
Whenever you apply for a digital certificate, you need to provide a Certificate Signing Request, or CSR for short. When you create the CSR, a new private key is made that is put into your keychain. You then send the CSR to a certificate authority (in this case that is the iOS Developer Portal), which will generate the SSL certificate for you based on the information in the CSR.
Open Keychain Access on your Mac (it is in Applications/Utilities) and choose the menu option Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority….
Requesting a certificate with Keychain Access
If you do not have this menu option or it says “Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority with key”, then download and install the WWDR Intermediate Certificate first. Also make sure no private key is selected in the main Keychain Access window.
You should now see the following window:
Generating a certificate sign request with Keychain Access
Enter your email address here. I’ve heard people recommended you use the same email address that you used to sign up for the iOS Developer Program, but it seems to accept any email address just fine.
Enter “PushChat” for Common Name. You can type anything you want here, but choose something descriptive. This allows us to easily find the private key later.
Check Saved to disk and click Continue. Save the file as “PushChat.certSigningRequest”.
If you go to the Keys section of Keychain Access, you will see that a new private key has appeared in your keychain. Right click it and choose Export.
Exporting your private key with keychain access
Save the private key as PushChatKey.p12 and enter a passphrase.
For the convenience of this tutorial, I used the passphrase “pushchat” to protect the p12 file but you should really choose something that is less easy to guess. The private key needs to be a secret, remember? Do choose a passphrase that you can recall, or you won’t be able to use the private key later.

Making the App ID and SSL Certificate

Log in to the iOS Dev Center and “Select the Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles” from the right panel.
Certificates Identifies and Profiles
You will be presented with the following screen (Doesn’t the new dev center UI look sleek :))
Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles section
Since you’re making an iOS app select Certificates in the iOS Apps section.
Now, you are going to make a new App ID. Each push app needs its own unique ID because push notifications are sent to a specific application. (You cannot use a wildcard ID.)
Go to App IDs in the sidebar and click the + button.
Create App ID
Fill the following details:
  • App ID Description: PushChat
  • App Services Check the Push Notifications Checkbox
  • Explicit App ID: com.hollance.PushChat
It is probably best if you choose your own Bundle Identifier here – com.yoursite.PushChat – instead of using mine. You will need to set this same bundle ID in your Xcode project. After you’re done filling all the details press the Continue button. You will be asked to verify the details of the app id, if everything seems okay click Submit
Hurray! You have successfully registered a new App ID.
Registration Complete
In a few moments, you will generate the SSL certificate that your push server uses to make a secure connection to APNS. This certificate is linked with your App ID. Your server can only send push notifications to that particular app, not to any other apps.
After you have made the App ID, it shows up like this in the list:
List of App Ids
Select the PushChat app ID from the list. This will open up an accordion as shown below:
Push App accordion
Notice in the “Push Notification” row, there are two orange lights that say “Configurable” in the Development and Distribution column. This means your App ID can be used with push, but you still need to set this up. Click on the Setting button to configure these settings.
App ID Settings
Scroll down to the Push Notifications section and select the Create Certificate button in the Development SSL Certificate section.
Create Development Certificate
The “Add iOS Certificate” wizard comes up:
Add iOS Certificate
The first thing it asks you is to generate a Certificate Signing Request. You already did that, so click Continue. In the next step you upload the CSR. Choose the CSR file that you generated earlier and click Generate.
Generate Certificate
It takes a few seconds to generate the SSL certificate. Click Continue when it’s done.
Now click Download to get the certificate – it is named “aps_development.cer”.
Click Download
As you can see, you have a valid certificate and push is now available for development. You can download the certificate again here if necessary. The development certificate is only valid for 3 months.
When you are ready to release your app, repeat this process for the production certificate. The steps are the same.
Note: The production certificate remains valid for a year, but you want to renew it before the year is over to ensure there is no downtime for your app.
You don’t have to add the certificate to your Keychain, although you could if you wanted to by double-clicking the downloaded aps_development.cer file. If you do, you’ll see that it is now associated with the private key.

Making a PEM File

So now you have three files:
  • The CSR
  • The private key as a p12 file (PushChatKey.p12)
  • The SSL certificate, aps_development.cer
Store these three files in a safe place. You could throw away the CSR but in my opinion it is easier to keep it. When your certificate expires, you can use the same CSR to generate a new one. If you were to generate a new CSR, you would also get a new private key. By re-using the CSR you can keep using your existing private key and only the .cer file will change.
You have to convert the certificate and private key into a format that is more usable. Because the push part of our server will be written in PHP, you will combine the certificate and the private key into a single file that uses the PEM format.
The specifics of what PEM is doesn’t really matter (in fact, I have no idea) but it makes it easier for PHP to use the certificate. If you write your push server in another language, these following steps may not apply to you.
You’re going to use the command-line OpenSSL tools for this. Open a Terminal and execute the following steps.
Go to the folder where you downloaded the files, in my case the Desktop:
$ cd ~/Desktop/
Convert the .cer file into a .pem file:
$ openssl x509 -in aps_development.cer -inform der -out PushChatCert.pem
Convert the private key’s .p12 file into a .pem file:
$ openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out PushChatKey.pem -in PushChatKey.p12
Enter Import Password: 
MAC verified OK
Enter PEM pass phrase: 
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: 
You first need to enter the passphrase for the .p12 file so that openssl can read it. Then you need to enter a new passphrase that will be used to encrypt the PEM file. Again for this tutorial I used “pushchat” as the PEM passphrase. You should choose something more secure.
Note: if you don’t enter a PEM passphrase, openssl will not give an error message but the generated .pem file will not have the private key in it.
Finally, combine the certificate and key into a single .pem file:
$ cat PushChatCert.pem PushChatKey.pem > ck.pem
At this point it’s a good idea to test whether the certificate works. Execute the following command:
$ telnet 2195
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
This tries to make a regular, unencrypted, connection to the APNS server. If you see the above response, then your Mac can reach APNS. Press Ctrl+C to close the connection. If you get an error message, then make sure your firewall allows outgoing connections on port 2195.
Let’s try connecting again, this time using our SSL certificate and private key to set up a secure connection:
$ openssl s_client -connect 
    -cert PushChatCert.pem -key PushChatKey.pem
Enter pass phrase for PushChatKey.pem: 
You should see a whole bunch of output, which is openssl letting you know what is going on under the hood.
If the connection is successful, you should be able to type a few characters. When you press enter, the server should disconnect. If there was a problem establishing the connection, openssl will give you an error message but you may have to scroll up through the output to find it.
Note: There are two different APNS servers: the “sandbox” server that you can use for testing, and the live server that you use in production mode. Above, we used the sandbox server because our certificate is intended for development, not production use.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Phoengap Push Notifications for Android and iOS


This plugin is for use with Cordova, and allows your application to receive push notifications on both Android and iOS devices. The Android implementation uses Google's GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) service, whereas the iOS version is based on Apple APNS Notifications
Important - Push notifications are intended for real devices. The registration process will fail on the iOS simulator. Notifications can be made to work on the Android Emulator. However, doing so requires installation of some helper libraries, as outlined here, under the section titled "Installing helper libraries and setting up the Emulator"

Phoengap Push Notifications for Android and iOS


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

PhoneGap: Detect File Loaded from Phonegap or Not

/** * Determine whether the file loaded from PhoneGap or not */

 function isPhoneGap() { 
     return (cordova || PhoneGap || phonegap) 
     && /^file:\/{3}[^\/]/i.test(window.location.href) 
     && /ios|iphone|ipod|ipad|android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); 
 if ( isPhoneGap() ) { 
     alert("Running on PhoneGap!"); 
} else { 
     alert("Not running on PhoneGap!"); 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Roman Number Converter Using PHP


Number to Roman convert:

function roman_numerals($input_arabic_numeral='') {

    if ($input_arabic_numeral == '') { $input_arabic_numeral = 1; } // Default value 1
    $arabic_numeral            = intval($input_arabic_numeral);
    $arabic_numeral_text    = "$arabic_numeral";
    $arabic_numeral_length    = strlen($arabic_numeral_text);

    if (!ereg('[0-9]', $arabic_numeral_text)) {
return false; }

    if ($arabic_numeral > 4999) {
return false; }

Roman Number Converter Using Javascript


Number to Roman convert:

function toroman (num) {
if (!+num)
return false;
var digits = String(+num).split(""),
key = ["","C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM",
roman = "",